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[…] Lizzy is super cute and posts amazing recipes and I love her and her delicious cookies – PS. Don’t tell her that I love her because she doesn’t know I exist and I don’t […]
[…] first post was for my Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies that made me famous at Lakeridge High School in Oregon. I’ve been baking now for about 7 […]
Just found your blog and I’m totally in dessert heaven. Thanks so much keep em’ coming!
These recipes are great help for us…
Harga Besi WF
Just made these and they are SO DELICIOUS!! I am a baker and others don’t even compare 🙂
cant wait to make these 😉
thanks so much
Great cookies! Made them the other night. Everyone (all five kids and husband) loved them! Where do you buy your Guittard chocolate chips?
I get mine from Winco, Safeway and a few other stores around carry them. But they can be tricky to find sometimes, but they are totally worth it.
I found your blog a few days ago & these cookies are the first thing I’ve made from here. They are amazing! Thank you so much for posting the recipe…can’t wait to try the pumpkin muffins with cream cheese filling next!
what other chocolate chips can you use?
Any other chocolate chips are fine, but the Guittard are fabulous!
Going to try this right now but not with Guittard chocolate chips cause I couldn’t find it but I think they will taste good! Wish me luck and thank you for posting all this wonderful recipes 🙂
Amazing cookies!!! I would suggest to pat them down just a little before you put them in the oven to have them cook evenly. This recipe is a keeper for sure! Excuse me as I go eat another cookie 🙂
Yay! I’m going to try it with my new kitchen aid mixer!
How do you make your cookies so thin!!! Mine came out big and round
Can’t wait to make these with the kids today!
On a side note, am I missing it, or do you not have a “print recipe” tab for your recipes? That would be great to have (so my hubby doesn’t get irritated at all my colored print recipe pages :))!
Hi, I just took the first batch of cookies out of the oven and they are so good. I have to explain this is my first time ever making cookies, I usually bought mine …I know I know shame on me. Well these coookies are fabulous I’m totally in love <3
Drop-dead-to-die-for-good!!! I’ve tried all the OCC recipes out there, & I’ll never have to try another again. This will be the only one I bake. I use 1/2 bags of Guittard & 1/2 Hersheys SemiSweet cuz I like a litte bitter w/my sweet & dust w/a hint of coarse Seasalt. Pure Heaven…forever many thanks;)
Oh good! Yes, these are the cookies that made me “famous” for baking!
Hi I found this reciepe in early summer of 2013 , I now am forced to make at least weekly . No cookie compares , I have even been asked to make the dough to be sold as a fundraiser for our local school. I use normal butter but don’t add salt , because our store doesnr care unsalted in our nothern community ! One day I will confess it’s not my secert reciepe .. Thought it was time to comment !
Aw thanks! Yes I used this recipe all through high school and NEVER gave out the recipe! It’s what got this whole website started!
Does the butter need to be room temp. or softened?
I made your cookies this evening and they had my husband of 48 years oohing and ahhing. He’s eaten a lot of chocolate chip cookie variations over time and he suggested I dump all of the other recipes and make yours our favorite. Blessings to you and thank you for sharing.
Oh yay! Yes, these cookies are what started this whole blog for me! I haven’t made them in years but I used to make them every other day!
Thank you for this brilliant recipe!!!! I have made these a few times, and they have turned out perfectly! I am a great cook, but this is the first time I have been able to churn out a decent baked good 🙂
I just found these on Pinterest bc my pregnancy had me craving oatmeal chocolate chip cookies and let me just say…they are AWESOME!!!! So glad I had everything on hand to make them!!
These cookies are in my oven as I type, they smell heavenly. I bake every Tuesday for our Trivia team and I know these will be a hit if they even come close to tasting as good as they smell. Thanks for sharing the recipe.
I just made these and half were inhaled by my family!! I made them with white whole wheat flour because it’s all I had left and they were amazing. I’ve never used anything other than all purpose flour for cookies but I was desparate for cookies and these did not disappoint. I won’t change a thing next time! Thank you!
So glad I found A recipe that has outstanding reviews. I would like to use this recipe for favors for my husband’s 50th birthday party. I would like to put the mix in a jar and give it out as a favor. Do you know if all of these ingredients will fit in a 31 ounce mason jar? If not do you have a recipe that will go in a mason jar. Thank you so much I’ll let you know How it goes!!!
I have no clue! Yu can always half the recipe though!
Great recipe.. thanks… I’ll try it..
It looks like fried