Nutella frosting on top of a chocolate banana cake, throw on some hazelnuts for color and texture and you’ve got a delicious masterpiece! These adorable grease proof cupcake liners are from Sweets & Treats! The Story: I attempted to go off sweets this month. It was all going great until I made these cupcakes and…
Chocolate Banana Hazelnut Cupcakes
The Story: Five years ago I decided to finally participate in April Fool’s Day. I put on Facebook that I was engaged to Trevor Woller. Was I even dating him? No. Why did I even do it? To make another boy jealous. Do people still ask me how my husband Trevor is doing? You bet….
Chocolate Hazelnut Puppy Chow
The Story: “What did you do with my Puppy Chow!?” This is how I woke up a few days ago. My roommate stormed into my bedroom because she had searched the entire apartment all morning long looking for the 3 batches of chow I made the day before… and she couldn’t find it. Well of…
Chocolate Hazelnut Cupcakes
The Story: Today is National Chocolate Cupcake Day! Didn’t know? Neither did I until a reader asked me what I was making for the day…whoopsy! Now, most people make their Chocolate Hazelnut desserts with Nutella, and I have! But for this one I wanted to use some hazelnut creamer instead…
Nutella Cupcakes II
The Story: When I first made my Nutella Cupcakes a few months ago, they were such a huge hit. I decided I would make them again using a vanilla based cake. A lot of people don’t even put buttercream on these babies because the Nutella baked into the batter is pretty great by itself,…