Turn regular rice krispies into spooky monsters PERFECT for Halloween! These easy Frankenstein Rice Krispie Treats will be the hit of every party! Frankenstein Rice Krispies I am always a big fan of super easy yet super cute dessert ideas for the holidays! I have so many fun Halloween treats like skeleton cupcakes and black…
Decorating Ornament Sugar Cookies
Cute and easy Christmas cookies! These Ornament Sugar Cookies are festive, fun and perfect for your cookie decorating parties! Looking for a new way to decorate your sugar cookies this Christmas? Try decorating ornament sugar cookies using Rolos, M&M’s and some frosting! All you need is a simple circle cookie cutter to get started! Frosted…
Fruity Fourth Cupcakes
The Story: The 4th of July is my favorite holiday. The nights are warm, the dark sky gets lit up with colors, the food is good and it just sort of sneaks up on you. There’s so much build up to Christmas that when the day finally comes, it sometimes doesn’t live up to expectations….
Chocolate Turtle Muffins
The Story: This was the second recipe that I brought to Your Homebased Mom’s Annual Holiday Baking Day. I wanted to bring something totally new and use her expertise to help me get it perfect. I could find no other turtle muffins recipe online (though I found plenty of cupcake ones), so I was…